近期和快速转变为大流行迅速的数字学习,也受到数字工具和平台无处不在的可用性的影响,使数字学习更加接近。扩展数字学习和教学中最困难的部分中的一个积分和一个是能够评估学习者的知识和能力。教育者可以录制讲座或创造数字内容,可以传递到数千名学习者,但评估学习者是非常耗时的。在本文中,我们提出了基于人工智能(AI)的解决方案,即VidVersityQG,用于自动从预先记录的视频讲座产生问题。基于从视频推断的上下文和语义信息,该解决方案可以自动生成不同类型的评估问题(包括短答案,多项选择,真/假并填写空白问题)。所提出的解决方案采用以人为本的方法,其中教师提供了修改/编辑任何AI生成的问题的能力。这种方法鼓励教师参与教育的使用和实施教育。评估了基于AI的解决方案,以便通过我们的行业合作伙伴Vidversity提供给我们的多个域名的经验丰富的教学专业人员和117名教育视频的准确性。 VidVersityQG解决方案显示有希望自动从视频产生高质量问题,从而大大减少了在手动问题中为教育工作者的时间和精力。
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Process monitoring and control are essential in modern industries for ensuring high quality standards and optimizing production performance. These technologies have a long history of application in production and have had numerous positive impacts, but also hold great potential when integrated with Industry 4.0 and advanced machine learning, particularly deep learning, solutions. However, in order to implement these solutions in production and enable widespread adoption, the scalability and transferability of deep learning methods have become a focus of research. While transfer learning has proven successful in many cases, particularly with computer vision and homogenous data inputs, it can be challenging to apply to heterogeneous data. Motivated by the need to transfer and standardize established processes to different, non-identical environments and by the challenge of adapting to heterogeneous data representations, this work introduces the Domain Adaptation Neural Network with Cyclic Supervision (DBACS) approach. DBACS addresses the issue of model generalization through domain adaptation, specifically for heterogeneous data, and enables the transfer and scalability of deep learning-based statistical control methods in a general manner. Additionally, the cyclic interactions between the different parts of the model enable DBACS to not only adapt to the domains, but also match them. To the best of our knowledge, DBACS is the first deep learning approach to combine adaptation and matching for heterogeneous data settings. For comparison, this work also includes subspace alignment and a multi-view learning that deals with heterogeneous representations by mapping data into correlated latent feature spaces. Finally, DBACS with its ability to adapt and match, is applied to a virtual metrology use case for an etching process run on different machine types in semiconductor manufacturing.
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In this work, we propose a novel generative model for mapping inputs to structured, high-dimensional outputs using structured conditional normalizing flows and Gaussian process regression. The model is motivated by the need to characterize uncertainty in the input/output relationship when making inferences on new data. In particular, in the physical sciences, limited training data may not adequately characterize future observed data; it is critical that models adequately indicate uncertainty, particularly when they may be asked to extrapolate. In our proposed model, structured conditional normalizing flows provide parsimonious latent representations that relate to the inputs through a Gaussian process, providing exact likelihood calculations and uncertainty that naturally increases away from the training data inputs. We demonstrate the methodology on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy data from the ChemCam instrument onboard the Mars rover Curiosity. ChemCam was designed to recover the chemical composition of rock and soil samples by measuring the spectral properties of plasma atomic emissions induced by a laser pulse. We show that our model can generate realistic spectra conditional on a given chemical composition and that we can use the model to perform uncertainty quantification of chemical compositions for new observed spectra. Based on our results, we anticipate that our proposed modeling approach may be useful in other scientific domains with high-dimensional, complex structure where it is important to quantify predictive uncertainty.
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Player modelling is the field of study associated with understanding players. One pursuit in this field is affect prediction: the ability to predict how a game will make a player feel. We present novel improvements to affect prediction by using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict player experience trained on game event logs in tandem with localized level structure information. We test our approach on levels based on Super Mario Bros. (Infinite Mario Bros.) and Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (Gwario), as well as original Super Mario Bros. levels. We outperform prior work, and demonstrate the utility of training on player logs, even when lacking them at test time for cross-domain player modelling.
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联合学习(FL)是使用Edge设备上可能可用的私人数据训练机器学习模型的新兴范式。 FL的分布式操作引起了集中式机器学习中未遇到的挑战,包括需要保留本地数据集的隐私以及由于重复交换更新模型而导致的通信负载。这些挑战通常通过引起更新模型的某些失真的技术来单独解决,例如当地差异隐私(LDP)机制和有损压缩。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种方法创造的联合隐私增强和量化(JOPEQ),该隐私和量化共同实现了FL环境中的有损压缩和隐私增强。特别是,Jopeq利用基于随机晶格的矢量量化,这是一种通用压缩技术,其副产品失真在统计学上等同于加性噪声。通过使用专用的多元隐私保护噪声来增强模型更新,可以利用这种失真来增强隐私。我们表明,JOPEQ在持有所需的隐私级别的同时,根据所需的比特率同时量化数据,而不会特别影响学习模型的实用性。这是通过分析的LDP保证,失真和收敛范围的推导以及数值研究所示的。最后,我们从经验上断言,乔普克(Jopeq)拆除了已知的普通攻击,以利用隐私泄漏。
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我们介绍了一种新颖的深度学习方法,用于使用高分辨率的多光谱空中图像在城市环境中检测单个树木。我们使用卷积神经网络来回归一个置信图,指示单个树的位置,该位置是使用峰查找算法本地化的。我们的方法通过检测公共和私人空间中的树木来提供完整的空间覆盖范围,并可以扩展到很大的区域。在我们的研究区域,跨越南加州的五个城市,我们的F评分为0.735,RMSE为2.157 m。我们使用我们的方法在加利福尼亚城市森林中生产所有树木的地图,这表明我们有可能在前所未有的尺度上支持未来的城市林业研究。
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学习证明(POL)建议模型所有者使用机器学习培训检查站,以建立已经花费了必要的培训计算的证明。 POL FIREGO加密方法和贸易严格的安全性的作者通过适用于随机梯度下降和适应性变体,可扩展到深度学习。缺乏正式分析使攻击者可能能够为他们没有训练的模型提供证据。我们对为什么不能正式(DIS)正式分析POL协议可抵抗欺骗对手。为此,我们在POL中解开了证明验证的两个角色:(a)有效确定证明是否是有效的梯度下降轨迹,以及(b)确定优先级,使在培训完成后制作证明(即。 ,欺骗)。我们表明,有效的验证会导致接受合法证明和拒绝无效的证据之间的权衡,因为深度学习必然涉及噪音。没有针对这种噪声如何影响训练的精确分析模型,我们无法正式保证POL验证算法是否强大。然后,我们证明,建立优先级也可以鲁棒化地减少到学习理论中的一个开放问题:欺骗Pol Pol hoc hoc训练类似于在非凸X学习中找到具有相同终点的不同轨迹。但是,我们不严格地知道对最终模型权重的先验知识是否有助于发现此类轨迹。我们得出的结论是,在解决上述开放问题之前,可能需要更严重地依靠密码学来制定新的POL协议,并提供正式的鲁棒性保证。特别是,这将有助于建立优先级。作为我们分析的见解的副产品,我们还展示了对POL的两次新攻击。
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